Pi Day: the time of year when people come together in the spirit of peace, goodwill, and mathematics! Come celebrate all of our volunteers and supporters on Tuesday 3/14 at our special Pi Day Open Hours from 6:28PM-9:42PM.
6:28PM-9:42PM: Tours of Makerspace, 3D printed pi swag, & pie eating!
7PM-8PM: Lightning Talks – Come see Makerspace members give lightning talk about some of the amazing projects they have worked on at Makerspace Urbana. Each speaker will have to inspire us in only 3 minutes and 14 seconds.
8PM-9PM: Soldering Demonstrations – If you’ve heard of soldering before, think soldering may be a difficult skill to acquire, or are unsure what the purpose of soldering is—or if you don’t even know how to pronounce the word (pst: it’s SAH-der)—this workshop is for you! That’s because soldering is easy! In this intro level demo, you will learn the principles of soldering by creating a circuit on a light up LED robot badge. (Age 8+ for soldering)
9PM-9:30PM: Dance Party in Room 15
Support Makerspace Urbana!
Makerspace Urbana exists because of everything the community brings to it: interests, skills, curiosity, and financial support. As we celebrate Pi Day, we encourage you to make a donation to Makerspace Urbana (one-time or monthly).
To show our appreciation, donations made between March 1- March 17 will be eligible for the following donation incentives!
Sustaining Donations
New monthly recurring donations of:
$25 or more: free Makerspace Urbana t-shirt
$75 or more: free Makerspace Urbana sweatshirt
All donors (online or in-person during the event) will be entered into a raffle for the following prizes:
- Raspberry Pi 3 + Starter Kit
- Makerspace Urbana t-shirt
- $25 SparkFun gift certificate
- $15 I.D.E.A. Store gift certificate
Why support Makerspace Urbana?
My experience has been that this community strives to be an inclusive safe space for women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, people of all faiths, people with disabilities, and survivors of violence. I was surprised at how instantly comfortable I felt at Makerspace Urbana. -Amy W.
As an open community lab where people of diverse backgrounds can learn, teach, tinker, collaborate, share, innovate, socialize, and create, Makerspace offers a special combination of warmth and creativity in a world where technology use and isolation too often go hand in hand.
Makerspace Urbana supports the Champaign Urbana community in a variety of ways. In the last year, Makerspace has: raised money for the rape crisis center, participated in Pride Fest, hosted banner making events for local organizers, planned the Heartland Maker Fest, organized a fidget blanket workshop supporting individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, and facilitated Make-a-tion workshops for all ages.
Since Makerspace Urbana is a project of the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (a 501c3), your donation is fully tax deductible.
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